Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Pre-ceremony

Alright, I didn't know what else to call it. There are so many beautiful pictures that I had to divide them up. This set shows the activities of the wedding day up to the ceremony.

Everyone showed up on time. Well almost everyone. But no harm done, everyone was there in time for pictures. Mrs Yak and I had some anxious hours during the night worrying about some of the details, loose ends and unpleasant possibilities. The rehearsal itself could have gone better. The order of service the minister had did not match the program. There was some uncertainty about the number of songs to be sung and their order. Worst of all the minister kept referring to Andrew as "Andy," a name he hates. We asked the wedding hostess to speak with the minister. We wondered if he would get it right. We wondered if the ceremony itself would be in the right order. It turned out we were just worrying. More about that in the next installment.

As we all started dressing I realized everyone was there, the tuxes and dresses fit, the photographers seemed to know what they were doing, the soloists were ready, the church was beautiful, the flowers were incredible and the hostess was in command. Sure there were some nerves but things were going swimmingly! Did I mention the groom was handsome and the bride was gorgeous? Well take a look!


The wedding pictures are by Joli Design of Yakima.
The picture above is by the YB of the Yak.


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