Vote For Hillary!
Some of you may be shocked at my new mantra, "Vote for Hillary!" Have I lost my mind? Have I gone over to the dark side? Not at all! I am simply exercising enlightened self-interest in the finest tradition of Alex P. Keaton.
You see I work for a large, private non-profit corporation, which administers federal and state funds to low-income children and families. My former hero, George W. Bush, is too busy fighting a protracted war overseas to remember that I need a raise once in a while to sustain the lifestyle of my choosing.
It's a very simple equation, Hillary wants to end this expensive war and spend more money on domestic programs. Can you spell "C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N?" Does the phase, “It takes a village,” ring any bells?
Anyway, all my adult life I have been schooled in the rough and tumble of the private, for-profit world of business. I learned early that the driving force in this world is each person or individual economic unit, if you prefer, acting in his or her own best interest. In the present situation I am merely and proudly applying these same principles to my own circumstances as it pertains to the national scene.
To wit: It is in my best interest that you and all your friends vote for Hillary for President. If you do and if she wins, I get a raise. Simple, logical and straightforward. The consistent application of firmly held principles learned over a lifetime yields effective results.
Besides everyone knows that Hillary is a shoo-in anyway and this is an opportunity to be on the winning side from the start. And remember a Hillary presidency is like getting two for the price of one. Who can resist another four years of Letterman jokes about interns, cigars and blue dresses? What fun! So join the winning team. Do it for the children, for yourselves and above all do it for me.
By the way, pay no attention to that interloper Barak Obama or his outrageous rip-off of the 80’s Apple computer ad embedded below.
You see I work for a large, private non-profit corporation, which administers federal and state funds to low-income children and families. My former hero, George W. Bush, is too busy fighting a protracted war overseas to remember that I need a raise once in a while to sustain the lifestyle of my choosing.
It's a very simple equation, Hillary wants to end this expensive war and spend more money on domestic programs. Can you spell "C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N?" Does the phase, “It takes a village,” ring any bells?
Anyway, all my adult life I have been schooled in the rough and tumble of the private, for-profit world of business. I learned early that the driving force in this world is each person or individual economic unit, if you prefer, acting in his or her own best interest. In the present situation I am merely and proudly applying these same principles to my own circumstances as it pertains to the national scene.
To wit: It is in my best interest that you and all your friends vote for Hillary for President. If you do and if she wins, I get a raise. Simple, logical and straightforward. The consistent application of firmly held principles learned over a lifetime yields effective results.
Besides everyone knows that Hillary is a shoo-in anyway and this is an opportunity to be on the winning side from the start. And remember a Hillary presidency is like getting two for the price of one. Who can resist another four years of Letterman jokes about interns, cigars and blue dresses? What fun! So join the winning team. Do it for the children, for yourselves and above all do it for me.
By the way, pay no attention to that interloper Barak Obama or his outrageous rip-off of the 80’s Apple computer ad embedded below.
Dear Che,
I appreciate your counsel. If I want you to get a raise I will vote for Hillary. But I have to ask myself, "Do I want to vote for the Yak to get a raise? Is that really what is best for him? There are only two of them at home now and they could probably continue to live very comfortably on Mrs. Yak's income. In fact, the Yak could probably retire and focus on skiing every WEEK in the upcoming year (barring the effects of global warming). Perhaps God doesn't WANT Mr. Yak to get a raise? Hmmmm...."
A second question, oh Wise One: For whom should I vote for pastors to get a raise?
Thank you for your support! I knew I could count on my favorite emerged pastor.
I'm giving serious thought to your suggestion about retirement but I'm afraid my mantra would then be, "Will work for lift tickets." Mrs. Yak likes my income, meager though it may be.
I'm thinking that you might have to split your household vote to get that "pastor's raise." Your wonderful wife votes for Hillary (for me) and you vote for Rev. Al Sharpton.
As for what God wants: I have it on good authority that God wants me to be happy and wealthy. Just tune into the Trinity Broadcasting Network, you'll see.
Did I mention that we will be paying on that H of E education till we die? Thanks for your vote!
WHAT?! You have an income!?
Mrs. Yak
I love the first pic of Hillary. Refreshingly innocent-looking!
Sorry it took me so long to finally add you guys to my blog links. (It's rough here in the jungle!)
Keep writing!
No one has suggested that her picture has been photoshoped. Her body is way too small for her head.
No I am not suggesting that she has a big head as in, she thinks too highly of herself.
I'm only pointing out that her body is much too petite for the real Hillary.
ok Yak!
It's time to dazzle us with your wit and take wholesome-looking photoshopped sucker-head Hillary out of the spotlight!We're getting tooth-glare here!
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